torsdag, september 14, 2006

FN-styrka till Sverige!

Insåg i dag att det bara finns en väg kvar att gå, en väg som borde ha beträtts mycket tidigare. Jag har därför idag skrivit brev till FNs generalsekreterare Kofi Annan och EU-kommissionens ordförande José Manuel Barroso och förklarat behovet av valobservatörer vid det svenska valet nu på söndag. Jag formulerade mig exakt likadant i båda breven. Jag väljer att här publicera brevet till Kofi Annan.

Dear Mr. Secretary-General Kofi A. Annan

I am a citizen of Sweden. On sunday the 17th of september it is the election day in Sweden. I am writing to you in a very urgent matter. A couple of weeks ago I got my voting card, I decided to vote in advance. I thought that it would be the best way to vote the first day in case of me being dead on the election day. If I would find out that I did vote in a wrong political ideology I could vote again. But!!! When I voted they stole my voting card! Later I realized this was not a coincidence.

I have been doing a lot of investigations about 'dead votes' in the last months and the authorities of the swedish society do not like this. They are trying to dispose of me and the first step was to steal my voting card.

Right now Sweden is in a very critical situation. The only way to try to secure that the swedish eclection is performed in some kind of a democratic spirit is for you to immediately send election observers to Sweden.

/Jeweler Jacobson (JJ)

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